5 Types of Cyclists We Love to Hate
Posted by Kitty on Sep 24th 2016
Cyclists come in all shapes, sizes and colors. We all cycle for different reasons but when it comes down to it, we do it for the love of it. There's a long list of pet peeves we have about fellow cyclists, here's our favorite gripes and the 5 types of cyclists we love to hate.
The Ever Unprepared Cyclist
Out for a group ride and there's just that one person who never has the basic gear. Flat? Oh hey, do you mind if I borrow... Oh man, I forgot my water, anyone care to share? Of course fellow cyclists are more than happy to lend a hand, but if this becomes a habit, it becomes everyone else's burden.
No Lights At Night
"It's fine, I've got reflectors". Really? Really? Bike lights at night are not just for the cyclists protection, they're for anyone who's out on the road. They're putting EVERYONE'S life in danger. High visual clothing, shoes, helmets, AND a set of lights are crucial for the safety of not just the cyclists, but everyone else on the streets out at night.
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Yep, it has its own term. Shoaling is when cyclists are stopped at a red light and a new arrival cycles past everyone else and stops in front of everyone who was there first. Just, don't.
The Know It All
Some of us like figuring it out on our own. Advice is appreciated but attitude is everything. Riding is a lot less fun when someone is always pointing out what you're doing wrong, what you need, what you SHOULD do. No thanks.
The One Upper
Always needs to be ahead, can't stand being anything other than the lead. We've all got our reasons for cycling, most of us do it for the love of the road and the ride. There are a few who do it for the love of competition. And while that is great...for them... there is a time and place for everything. Every major bike race in the world is a testament to the endurance and strength of the athletes, and not who is always in the lead the entire time.